H2o egy vízcsepp elég!/ICarly

a h2o és az Icarly szereplői és a filmbeli karakterek leírása és sok-sok kép a színészekről és színésznőkről.

It was only just the other day that all this felt so real,
Like nothing could go wrong.
It was like a never ending dream,
Nothing ever changed,
For so long.

But now you're gone away,
And I've tried turning the page,
And it's just not the same.

But I'm breathing in,
And I'm breathing out,
I'm wide awake but I can't hear a sound.
Though I'm breathing in,
I can't think about,
Another you, another me, another now.

Where do I go from here?
I've never felt so strange,
I've never felt so torn.
'Cause ever since you came my way,
I learned to live by you,
And now I'm on my own.

I know I need some time,
To leave all this behind,
'Cause I'm still hanging on.

But I'm breathing in,
And I'm breathing out,
I'm wide awake but I can't hear a sound.
Though I'm breathing in,
I can't think about,
Another you, another me, another now.

I'm sitting here, all alone,
Don't wanna move, nowhere to go,
'Cause nothing's real, I just wanna hurt..
'Cause you're not here.

But I'm breathing in,
And I'm breathing out,
I'm wide awake but I can't hear a sound.

I'm breathing in,
And I'm breathing out,
I'm wide awake but I can't hear a sound.
Though I'm breathing in,
I cant think about,
Another you, another me, another now.

Oooh woah...

Another you, another me, another now.

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 14
Tegnapi: 3
Heti: 32
Havi: 79
Össz.: 94 584

Látogatottság növelés
Oldal: Another now
H2o egy vízcsepp elég!/ICarly - © 2008 - 2025 - ivikilegjobbvideok.hupont.hu

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